LRM Loading on the BMW Tail Rack
You must also acknowledge that you have read and understand the following notice on motorcycle loading when purchasing an LRM System.
The load rating on the rear rack of the BMW Motorcycle models we support is the weight of the top case (approximately 18 pounds) plus 10kg/22lbs for a BMW recommended total load weight of 40 lbs.
The LRM system dry weight is approximately 16lbs. Fuel can add up to 29 pounds for a total load 45 pounds. This is in excess of the manufacturer's recommendation.
Adding the Storm case (12 pounds) and the things you will pack in it will put you significantly over this recommendation.
That being said, the system has stood up well to road testing. A client, with a loaded Storm case, hit a chuckhole at speed suffering severe wheel damage. The LRM brackets needed a slight adjustment afterwards and the BMW rack stood up well. You must still take these factors into consideration when opting for this system.